Tired Update // Happy New Year! // 1/4/2024

Hello everyone! It’s time for another Tired Update! Per usual, it’s been a while since the last post, but a lot has changed in the last few months. So let’s get into it.

Last year I moved into a much smaller place for a while. I thought I could get back on track with many things that I wanted to do, like gaming and writing, but my time got filled with a lot of driving and more juggling of relationships in my personal life. So, gaming, writing, and even the gym have taken a bit of a backseat in my life for a while now. I tried to keep up but to be honest, I was just drained and just not in the best headspace.

Well, about a week ago I finally moved into a much bigger place I can call my own! I am still getting things set up, but I am extremely optimistic about my time management now. I’m not making any declarations about future content anymore, because I can’t ever seem to actually keep up with it. I am going to continue to try and get this blog back up and running. Even after the upside-down year I had, the blog was still the second most successful year I’ve had in terms of views.

More gaming posts, along with book posts, and more consistent updates hopefully? We will see. I have plans, I just need to make a schedule that works for my busy life.

Short update, but there’s not a whole lot to share without getting super personal right now. So maybe that’ll happen in the future, we’ll see. Stay tuned for some more posts. They should be coming soon!

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