What I Played This Weekend // October 18-19, 2023

My weekend is coming to an end. So what did I play over my two days off? Not much new…

New World

Once again coming at you with some New World. I’ve just been grinding away at the season pass stuff when I get the chance. I think I’m around tier 65 right now, which is easily the highest I’ve ever gotten. I haven’t bought the premium tier track yet, but I’m thinking I am making great progress that I won’t have to buy the 20 level boost on it. It’s been an insane amount of fun. I’ve leveled up one trade skill to 250 now, gotten an artifact gear for the first time, and have done probably half of the expansions questline so far. I’m stuck at a part where I’m fighting some bad ass monkeys or something. I realistically need to respect my character again, so that’ll be coming up soon. The Halloween Event just kicked off today or yesterday I believe. Haven’t dived into that yet, but I’m going to try! I should have my final thoughts on the expansion ready by the end of next week, so we’ll see!

Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Played a little bit more of Assassin’s Creed Mirage. I’m loving the return to form so far. It doesn’t feel absolutely massive and cluttered. Combat feels good, especially with the parry/kill making a come back. I feel like a badass again. I haven’t gotten too much further story wise, but I am really enjoying it so far!

Wizard with a Gun // On Deck

Wizard with a Gun just launched today as I am writing this. I’ve been looking forward to it for some time now, and it’s finally here! I played about an hour of it so far on my Steam Deck exclusively, and it runs amazingly. I have had no issues so far, outside of the relatively small text. Normally not an issue for me, but it’s pretty small on the Deck. The game reminds me a lot of Cult of the Lamb and Enter the Gungeon. Top down shooter, rolling to dodge, and collecting materials to craft. Has a little hot bar on the bottom as well, kind of like Minecraft. Or survival games in general. I’m really excited to continue playing it. I’ll try to get someone to play Co Op with me in the future, just to see how that goes.

Future Content

Some of my plans are still in place. I have some more On Deck posts I need to finish up, but a ton of games I still need to focus on. I’m having a hard time just picking one game and playing it right now. besides New World. It’s such an easy go to for me right now. I feel like I have a decent set up right now, though. One Deck game, one console game, and New World that will stick around until I’m sick of it.

What are you looking forward to playing this weekend? Let me know in the comments!

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